If we wish to improve schools we need to improve school cultures so that they support student learning, students, parents and staff.
What do successful leaders of high performing, high minority, highly successful schools (“90-90-90 schools”) do to create a positive learning environment so that all students can and will learn?
We sent surveys to the leaders of high performing, high minority, highly successful schools and asked them to identify what the school culture was before they arrived, what the existing school culture is today and what they envision the school culture will be in three-five years.
This session is designed for all people desiring to improve their school culture including teachers, school support personnel, administrators, parents and community members.
Audience: This workshop is appropriate for groups of administrators, potential school leaders and teachers.
Uses: This presentation can be used as a keynote, mealtime, or session presentation.
Length: This presentation is 1 -1 1/2 hours long and can be adjusted for a shorter 30 minute version or an all-day presentation.
Handouts: This presentation includes handouts.
Audio-Visual: This presentation does have slide, projector, or computer requirements.
Bookings: If you would like to arrange for this presentation or workshop, please call me today at 505-823-2339.