Welcome back! Hopefully you have had a chance to relax, do some reading, swimming and just mellowing out.
As the new school year begins, I’d like you to take a look at the past year and what you have accomplished. I have had the privilege of talking to educators at conferences during the summer and have been impressed with their stories. I have spoken to teachers, educational assistants, secretaries, counselors, administrators, school security officers – people who work passionately at schools day after day. These are the folks who teach children, engage them in learning and keep them safe. They do the real work and are rarely thanked for doing jobs that come with so many challenges.
During the past school year, I have visited classrooms and I’m impressed with what I have seen. Children are learning in classrooms. Most students left school at the end of the year better readers than they were at the beginning. Their math knowledge and their awareness of the world have improved.
So before you walk into the school, take a bow. You deserve it.
Hope you have a productive and successful year. I will be talking to you.