Thirty states that have implemented the common Core State Standards are having difficulty implementing them. They are having difficulty finding the money to provide training for staff as well as having difficulty developing evaluative standards for teacher and principal performance.
A three year report developed by the Center on Education Policy at George Washington University “Year 3 of Implementing the Common Core State Standards: An Overview of States’ Progress and Challenges” found:
- 34 states are struggling to find resources to support all CCSS implementation activities;
- 32 states are struggling to develop teacher evaluation systems that hold teachers and principals accountable for student mastery of CCSS;
- 37 states are struggling to provide teachers with enough high-quality professional development activities to help them implement CCSS;
- 31 states are struggling to provide all math and ELA teachers with state-sponsored professional development activities; and
- Most state education agencies have adequate staff expertise to implement CCSS-related activities, but fewer say they have enough staff and resources.
It appears that implementing the new standards will require additional funding, something that states and the federal government are having a difficult time providing for education.