This website went “live” on December 15, 2007 and this week hit a total of over 130,000 hits visits! Obviously, people like you have found there is a need for this information on at-risk youth and dropout prevention strategies.
While two-thirds of the viewers come from the United States, Canada comes next. The following countries are also represented:
Morocco, Sri Lanka, the Philippines, China, India, Malaysia, Korea, Brazil, the United Kingdom, Tunisia, Germany, Australia, Singapore, the United Arab Emirates, Japan, Fiji, the Netherlands, Portugal, Louth, Ireland and South Africa. Based on the countries listed above, I am convinced that we have a global crisis in the non-completion of schools. Since we live in a global information age, the completion of school will be even more necessary once the world pulls out of the hopefully short term economic crisis.
I have received suggestions from several people which have been enormously helpful in guiding me in the direction that these thoughts should go. Please continue to send suggestions. Also, if you have not registered to receive any additions to this blog, please do so on the upper right corner of this homepage.
Thanks again for your input and viewing.
I remain, your humble servant.