We know that our non-traditional students take greater risks than traditional students. In a report issued by the the CDC, these facts are confirmed.
The study is the latest in a series of survey of US high school students taken every two years. The findings come from a survey of about 14,000 high school students. The 2007 data showed higher rates of risk-taking by Hispanics in several areas.
Hispanic students were more likely than either whites or blacks to attempt suicide, ride with a driver who had been drinking alcohol, or use cocaine, heroin or ecstasy. About 10 to 11 percent of Hispanics said that they attempted suicide, compared with around 17% of whites, and 9% of blacks. The report noted that black and white students are reporting less sexual activity than in previous years but there was no decline among Hispanics. Hispanics also most often drank alcohol on school property, were offered or sold illegal drugs, and occasionally skipped school because they feared for their safety.
Whites reported the highest rates of smoking and heavy drinking, while blacks reported the highest rates of obesity, violence and sexual activity.