I have been honored that my book, published February 24, 2022 has received 5 5-star reviews on Amazon.
Dr. Ruth Ash
5.0 out of 5 stars THE Most Helpful Guide to Preventing School Violence
Reviewed in the United States on March 3, 2022
Verified Purchase
This Guide to Preventing School Violence can make a tremendous difference in the lives of children, not something this reviewer can say about every education book. Schargel’s newest book is a must-read for teachers, administrators, policy makers, and everyone who cares about children. The author’s practical advice builds upon best practices that some educators and policy makers may already know, but the facts, information, and tips will be new to most people. This is one of THE best books in my library!
5.0 out of 5 stars Confronting the Inconceivable
Reviewed in the United States on March 20, 2022
School administers and teachers are consumed with improving outcomes: how do we improve students’ writing and math skills? Ability to analyze and create? Recruit and retain the “best and the brightest” teachers? Upgrade curriculum? We avoid even thinking about school violence. It is too frightening and depressing, and, after all, it can never happen in “my” school. Franklin Schargel’s Preventing School Violence: a User’s Guide tells us “it” can happen in any school and we must plan, just as we plan for curriculum development and hiring teachers. The book is highly personal, based upon long experience in schools as well as a thoughtful plea, just as we carefully plan for lessons we must treat school safety with as much care and dedication.
Take a few hours, read Preventing School Violence and ask: is our school prepared for the inconceivable? Are we planning to avert life changing catastrophes? And, if not, why not?
Charles Sosnik, The Learning Counsel
5.0 out of 5 stars This is a must read
Reviewed in the United States on February 25, 2022
This is a must read for every educator in America. And every administrator in America. And every parent in America. And every law enforcement officer in America. And every school counselor in America. And every school bus driver in America. And every citizen in America. And every…
Did I leave anyone out? Most school violence incidents are preventable. Virtually every school mass shooting was preventable. All these horrible incidents. All the stress among our students. All the stress among school personnel. And parents.
How much is preventable? And if so, then let’s prevent it.
I challenge everyone that sees this post to buy a copy of Franklin’s book, and then share this post with everyone you know that either works in the education space or has children who attend school.
Preventing School Violence: A User’s Guide. Let’s buy it. And use it.
5.0 out of 5 stars Another great book by an expert
Reviewed in the United States on March 24, 2022
Franklin has once again shared his expertise with great success. Valuable insight is shared while he draws readers in to take active role in the reading and taking action. Detailed strategies and tools are provided in this step-by-step hands-on guide for all participants in preventing school violence. A perfect guide for anyone with our students’ safety as a priority. Well done Franklin!
5.0 out of 5 stars Insights and strategies to use today!
Reviewed in the United States on March 28, 2022
We MUST keep our children safe. We MUST prevent school violence.
This is not merely another book that tries to only define the challenge but one that offers strategies to solve it. Franklin does the research, interprets the data, asks the hard questions and most importantly, listens to the responses. He has synthesized what he has learned into a specific, thought provoking and easy to follow guide for everyone who is impacted by school violence— related professionals, community groups, governing agencies, and most importantly, parents and care givers–in short, this book is for EVERYONE.