It’s no secret that teachers love children and love their job They put up with low salaries, lack of respect, school violence, decaying buildings, lack of air conditioning, overcrowding and budget cuts.
Now, as a result of the coronavirus there are an increasing percentage of parents who appreciate that teaching children is more difficult than it looks. Movies like “Kindergarten Teacher,” and “Bad Teacher” make it appear that anyone with limited or no training can go into classrooms and become a star. Teachers make the job look easy.
It appears that politicians and bureaucrats have a lack of understanding or appreciation of what teachers do, but teachers are not doing it for them. Rather they are doing it for the children, their parents and their communities.
Teachers are providing instruction in uncharted waters. They have been delivering lessons online and food to students’ homes along with computer equipment. They have been engaging their students and are a lifeline to the world outside of the home. They worry about the mental health of their students. Teachers represent the front line of support outside the family. They continually reach out to students who are not “attending” or interacting. They are trying to figure out how to develop lessons for students with disabilities and ensuring they have the supports they need. Teachers have devised Zoom lessons “get togethers” so that students can see and talk to one another, seeing each other’s pets, younger siblings, parents and grandparents. Educators are doing this all the while going through personal hardship with their own families, some of whom may have the coronavirus.
They are essential workers.
They are Supermen and Wonder Women.