3 Apps For Improving School Attendance from Voniz.com
Studies say that chronic absenteeism increases achievement gap and reduces graduation rate. Because of this, teachers all across the world are trying to find new ways to retain students in their classroom and increase student attendance.
Taking attendance needs to be done everyday. The following 3 apps can make taking attendance easier and ensures student attendance in classroom.
Teacher Kit is a simple app which comes with a pie chart showing four attendance statuses: absent, late, sick and present. If a student is late or is sick, it can clear out if the student skipped or not. In addition, TeacherKit also tracks grades and student behavior, enabling to improve student behaviors. It has a great feature where you can record the students’ performance and record class overall progress.
TeacherTool is an app which not only serves as course register and student record book, but also a notebook, grade book and a calendar. TeacherTool keeps track of student absences and reminds if they are unexcused. This smart technology knows he teachers timetable and adapts the startup screen accordingly. It also lets the teachers carry a course register for note taking during the class along with knowing student names, pictures, phone numbers, emails and other information.
iRoster is a smartphone and computer based attendance application designed for schools to become productive and efficient in maintaining student roster. By using cloud computing, iRoster helps in registering student information as fast possible. A fully customizable app, iRoster can display student photos for easy recognition of students and view student history along with printing reports.